Apr 272022
 April 27, 2022

Become an Advocate for Solutions to Homelessness

Posted by Rev Lucy

Posted on April 27, 2022

Lucy BunchGreetings change makers –

These are challenging times in our world, and in our community, and the most vulnerable among us need our support. Almost every day we drive by unhoused people, individuals and families who have been kicked to the curb by a society that is more concerned with money and status than human lives. We drive by these people, feeling a pang in our heart – but feeling powerless to do anything. We ask ourselves “why isn’t someone helping them?”

The homeless in our communities are completely vulnerable, physically, and well as mentally. They struggle every day to find food, a place to sleep and a place to go to the bathroom. And yet because of our own fear and internalized trauma we may feel powerless to help.

But as a community we are not powerless. We have our voices and our privilege our education and our commitment. We have numbers – more than 500 people are part of UUSS, and our combined voices could be loud and powerful if we could find a way to speak together. Loud and powerful enough that the county can’t ignore us and ignore our homeless neighbors.

And the time is now because the county will soon decide how to spend their next allocation of ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act of 2021) money – funds from the federal government to help with challenges caused by the pandemic.

In the next few weeks, we are organizing the congregation to be prepared for action in support of important funding decisions related to homelessness. We will be asking you to contact your country representative, either through email, letter, or offering comments at a supervisors meeting. We will give you full instructions for doing so, but you must commit to action – commit to use your voice to make a difference. Our 500 voices can make a sound too loud to be ignored.

You can read more about our action plan at this link. If you are ready to commit to action or if you have questions stop by the advocates table after the service on Sunday or send an email to and say count me in!

Are you ready to be a force for healing in the world?

Sending love to all,

Rev. Lucy

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