Jun 022022
 June 2, 2022

More Information about Our Day of Action – June 14th

Posted by Rev Lucy

Posted on June 2, 2022

The Day of Action is just around the corner–June 14th.  That is the day we will raise our collective voices to urge the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors (BOS) to make homelessness and housing solutions their top priorities for the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. There are several ways to support this important matter:

1. Show up at 9:00AM on June 14 at the BOS to either speak or support other speakers, and

2. Mail a letter by June 8 or send an email June 10 to 13.

We will provide more specific directions about the logistics (like where to park, carpooling, etc) and the speaking process in our next communication to you.    You can find all the materials linked below including talking points and a letter template.  Don’t’ forget to add you own personal motivation as to why you care about this issue.

June 14 Sacramento County ARPA Talking

June 14 Action ARPA Request Letter


  • Why are we working with Public Health Advocates?

As we embark on political advocacy as a congregation, we need partners who are experts in the issues and process to guide and support us.  We cannot and should not do this alone.

Public Health Advocates works closely with the community, and on a continuous basis, so they can provide us with up-to-date advocacy messaging in changing political and economic landscapes.   They are excited to be working with us and ready to support us in raising our voices for justice.

  • What is a CBO?

Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) are public or private not-for-profit resource hubs that provide specific services to the community or targeted population within the community. What makes them unique is that most of the governing body and staff consists of local residents, priority issue areas and possible solutions are identified and defined by residents.

As part of our UUSS commitment to racial justice and to letting go of White Supremacy culture we listen to and ally with community organizations to pass laws, transform systems and establish norms that foster justice, equity, and healthy neighborhoods for all.   UUSS works with several CBO including the Black Child Legacy Campaign (a community partner) and the Sacramento Homeless Union (which advises us on our homeless policy).  At the advice of our expert community partners, we are advocating for ARPA funding to go to community-based organizations that are serving unhoused people in Sacramento County.

  • Will the County Supervisors Vote on funding for Homeless on the Day of Action?

There is no vote on ARPA funds scheduled at the Board of Supervisors meeting on June 14th.   PHA’s plan is to have a strong presence before the actual vote so that the supervisors know in advance where their constituents stand on the issue.  We want a big turnout of UU’s so that the supervisors know that we are strong voice in support of our unhoused kindred.  The magnitude of ARPA funding provides a great opportunity to make a difference, and the supervisors need to understand our priorities before they make decisions.

  • Racial Justice was not discussed at our training, why is it now a Focus on June 14 Day of Action?

PHA heard from the community that racial equity is a critical component of the housing and homeless crisis and should be a top priority in use of all ARPA funds.  Racial equity has not guided Board of Supervisors decisions in the past. People of color have been more affected by COVID and the economic downturn and should have priority for these funds rather than provide slush funds for Supervisors. We support providing the funds directly to the people who need them!




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