Sep 242018
 September 24, 2018

Anniversary Gifts donations can reach the goal!

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on September 24, 2018


This Sunday morning our special guest in the pulpit will be the Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, President of the Unitarian Universalist Association.  On this day of celebration, gratitude and enthusiasm, we hope to raise the remaining funds to complete the Anniversary Gifts project.  

Contributions in all sizes have been arriving in the office at UUSS:  $50—$500—$1,500—$10,000—$15,000, and everywhere in between.  If you have not yet made an Anniversary Gift, please consider joining with us now as we mark this exciting milestone.

If you already have contributed, please let your UUSS friends know how excited you are about this project—and about seeing it completed!  Several early Anniversary Gift supporters recently have made an additional contribution.  If you are able to join us by making your own additional gift, you will bring this project an important step closer to success.

Update on the Anniversary Gifts Project:

1) We have replaced two rows of light poles in the main parking lot—to improve safety and visibility, and to give a bright welcome to all who come to UUSS for events after dark.  When we saw that these replacements still diuuss imagedn’t provide enough light, we installed a new, additional row of lights.   This has been a worthwhile investment.

2) We have contracted with a firm to design and build a permanent cover on the large patio.  This will protect us from the hot sun, shield us from the rain, and add lots of gathering space for coffee hour crowds and special events.  After our contractor guides the plan through the approval process of the County Planning Commission, they can begin installation. Then we’ll announce a dedication ceremony.

3) We have raised contributions for more than half of our $200,000 goal.  We need to raise only $62,000 more to meet that goal.  If you have made a gift toward this project, we thank you.  Some of you have added to your original gift, bringing this campaign closer to completion.  Some have more than doubled that gift.  Thank you!

This outpouring of generosity is an exciting sign of gratitude and vitality at UUSS.  Please give as generously as you can toward this goal.  See you Sunday!

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  One Response to “Anniversary Gifts donations can reach the goal!”

  1. Today we had a full house and full hearts as we heard a lovely message from Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray and inspiring music from our choir and pianist. Rev. Susan, president of our UU denomination, was fired up to join us in completing our project and made a generous personal gift to the Anniversary Gifts campaign. (She also said she wished she could come to our dance this coming Friday!) Thanks to the generous gifts we received after the service, we are $15,300 closer to the goal! Now we need gifts totaling only $45,000 to conclude the project. Cheers!

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