Oct 032018
 October 3, 2018

Anniversary Gifts invitation Sept. 30

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on October 3, 2018

We come together

To deepen our lives

And to be a force for healing in the world.

That is our Mission statement.

Individuals and families began coming together as a progressive religious congregation in Sacramento 150 years ago this year.

We have been coming here to connect with others and with the deepest parts of ourselves, coming together to be reminded that our values make a difference—compassion, human dignity, inter-dependence, justice, courage, and love.  Yet all of this—all that we do at UUSS—depends on the first part of our Mission:  We come together.

This is the purpose of our Anniversary Gifts project and the reason for the improvements we have been making.

First, we replaced and expanded the rows of lighting in our parking lot.  This improvement provides more visibility and safety for us, and a bright welcome to all who come for evening activities any night of the week.

Next, we are getting ready to build a permanent patio cover structure—to install it and furnish it. Not only will the structure ease the crowding in our Welcome Hall after services, as it expands our space for socializing.

The structure will protect us from the hot sun, shield us from the rain, and add lots of gathering space for special events of all kinds.  More space for fellowship, more space for fun—and no sunburn!

Today we are about $62,000 away from our goal of $200,000 to bring this project to a conclusion.  I am inviting you to help us conclude it right now.

Some of you have not yet had the opportunity to make a generous donation to the Anniversary Gifts project.  In just a few minutes, members of our Fundraising Team and our Board of Trustees will be staffing a table in the Welcome Hall.

They stand at the ready to answer your questions, hand you an envelope, or smile and say thank you as you drop your gift into the box.  You can see for yourself, up close, how beautiful these lay leaders are, and how joyful they are to be surrounded by such generosity as exists in this community.

Some of you have made an earlier gift.  Thank you. Gifts of all sizes have been coming into the office this week. Some have made second gifts even larger than their first one. Thank you for this affirmation, and thanks for your participation.

Your generosity means a lot to the people at UUSS right now.  It means a lot to me.  And it will mean a great deal also to the many more adults and children who are yet to find us, those yet to arrive to share in the spirit and love of this place. Thank you.

An Anniversary Gifts form is inserted in your order of service.  You can use it to donate with a credit card, or to make a gift in memory of a loved one or in honor of a special occasion.

{You may contact the office on any weekday or either of our ministers.  To donate appreciated stock or mutual fund shares, feel free to contact our Bookkeeper, Michele, at or }

Every gift is appreciated, and yours will make a difference.  Thank you.



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  One Response to “Anniversary Gifts invitation Sept. 30”

  1. On Sept. 30 we raised $15,300! Since then, gifts have been arriving in amounts from $15 to $15,000 and everywhere in between. Now we are just about $20,000 from the Anniversary Gifts campaign’s goal. Thank you!

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