Aug 222024
 August 22, 2024

UUSS artists’ group show in October

Posted by Kim Stoddard

Posted on August 22, 2024

IMG_4041All UUSS artists: We invite you to submit up to 5 pieces of art by September 8th. This will be a juried show. Our show will begin sometime in October and will continue for between 6 and 8 weeks. We are accepting only wall art for this show. Once the pieces are accepted, they will then be inspected to see if the frame will allow us to install it on our wall system.  We will offer guidance on the framing, if needed. Questions? Contact Kim Stoddard here:

Art Submission Sheet (added 8/22/24):

Word DOC (fillable)



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  25 Responses to “UUSS artists’ group show in October”

  1. When will the artists be notified about their work?

  2. Would sculpture be included?

  3. I’m not techie. How do I get hold of Dixie Laws?

    • Email Dixie.

  4. There are only 4 spaces so I added one under the last space, I assume that is alright. I did not understand the title of the first space with size before the last name?

    • Yes, Virginia you can add an extra box. When the submission street was transferred to the website, maybe some of the formatting got lost. So you must have your first and last name listed, the price of the artwork, the size, the medium used, and the title of the piece. Also, since we are inspecting the frames remotely, please send pictures of the back sides of the pieces, if they’re all the same you just need to send one picture of a typical backside showing the hardware.

      • A follow up to the frame issue……I have not yet framed my submission. Could you please post the guidelines for frames? For small to medium sized frames, is a standard horizontal wire on the back generally adequate?

  5. I have just added an Art Submission Sheet (above in the post) that Kim sent to me.

    The members of the jury are working on a submission sheet. I know this is a little late in the game for creating the sheet but we wanted to announce the group exhibit as soon as possible so the artists can get ready for the upcoming show, put on finishing touches to their existing art, photograph their art and to put the submission date on their calendars.

    Also, we will make it easier to enter art. Instead of meeting at the church to view the art submissions all we require is high resolution photos emailed to us. Photo requirements will be in the submission sheet that will come out soon.

    Also, we are accepting some NFS paintings, contrary to what Roger stated. We want this to be a time when our church community gets to know each others’ talent, interests and abilities. However, the majority of the pieces will be for sale.

    And to make the show more inclusive and welcoming we have decided that of the 5 possible submissions per person we guarantee that we will accept one from each artist as long as they email us a good quality photo(s) and the artist makes sure they meet our framing requirements enabling us to hang them on our walls.

    Thanks for your patience as we journey through this group exhibit experience.

  7. This is wonderful! Just a reminder that UUSS receives a portion of the proceeds from the sale of art exhibited by the Art Exhibit Committee. This supports the operating budget and mission of the congregation.
    You don’t want to submit an artwork that you’d like to keep.

  8. Great opportunity! I look forward to submitting!

    • Hi Christopher, we look forward to your submissions. Please see the submission form at the top of this page. Dirk has posted a fillable PDF form there. Be sure to send your photos of both the front and the back so we can see if they will hang on our wall system. Photos to

    • Christopher, We have not received your art submissions yet. Deadline is fast approaching.

  9. How do we go about submitting art?

    • Hi Ellen,

      Good question: The first step is to send photos of the piece or pieces you would like to submit to . Please include descriptions such as collage, oil, pastel, multi-media, watercolor, woodcut print, photography, etc. Also include the title and most importantly, the size. Thanks, we look forward to viewing it/them.

    • Hi Ellen, at the top of this page Dirk has added the fill-in PDF submission sheet for the art show. Please fill that form in or see me at church on Sundays or find the sheet at the connection table in the Welcome Hall. Thanks

    • Ellen, we have not received your art submissions yet. Deadline is fast approaching.

  10. Hi, Also left question elsewhere.

    What info do you want on back of artwork?

    Where are artworks to be submitted.

    Are. you going to have a submission sheet?

    • Hi Chuck,

      All good questions. I responded to your email a short while ago. I’d also like to answer your questions here as well, and in a bit more detail. The first step is to send photos of the piece or pieces you would like to submit to . Please include descriptions such as collage, oil, pastel, multi-media, watercolor, giclee’, woodcut print, photography, post-processed-modified photography etc. Also include the title, price or NFS and most importantly, the size. Most buyers or art would like a signature on the front of the art piece. As to the back of the art, it will be important to have your contact information and optionally, a business card if you have one. If you are asking about hanging hardware, we ask for D rings attached to both sides of the frame and if it is a small piece. braided wire connected to the two D rings. Once a piece is accepted, we will show you a sample of the hooks, and some sample D rings, so you purchase and install D rings of enough size to accommodate the UUSS hanging system hooks.

      A submission sheet might be a good idea. This is my first juried group show as a curator so I am open to ideas. Art works will be first viewed online through photos or web sites and then viewed in person by the jury before a decision is made. Artworks will be viewed at church with days to be determined, unless other arrangements can be made. The church is not available on Saturdays. UPDATE: we will not be viewing artwork in person before acceptance so good photos of the art are extremely necessary. After acceptance we may need to view the back of the pieces to make sure we will be able to place them with our wall hanging system. Also it is fine if you prefer signing the back of the piece instead of the front.

  11. Can Giclees be unframed but with well wrapped corners ?

    • Hi Donna,

      Giclee’s are accepted but your framing question is difficult to answer sight unseen. Please send front and side view photos to ? The backing has to be strong and thick enough to accommodate medium-sized D rings for hanging from our wall system. Our framing system hooks are stored at church so when I am at church I could show them to you. I can also purchase and carry samples of the D rings showing you the minimum size needed to accommodate our hooks

      For previous oil and acrylic paintings a wrapped edge, called Gallery edge, was fine as long as the structure underneath the piece is sturdy and has some depth. Some Gallery edges of paintings arrived to church damaged by the artist while transporting them to church, so those edges are to be touched up by the artist before the reception.

  12. This is good, but I would like it to be more inviting, also – to be specific about what ‘juried’ means in this case.

    • Hi Carol,

      Since you are an art committee member, I received your email suggestions right away and asked for your edits. I have received your edits using more inviting wording and implemented them on the flyer to be handed out at next church service. Will also modify the language in the future blue sheet announcements and on the webpage tomorrow as I am booked up for the rest of the day and evening.

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