Jan 202021
 January 20, 2021

Important Auction Dates!

Posted by Mary Howard

Posted on January 20, 2021

UUSS Annual Service Auction 2021
Mark your calendar with these important dates:

  • February 12—last day to donate an item such as a dinner, gift basket, hike or other activity
  • February 28—Dinner ticket sales end.  Silent Auction begins online; look for a notification of your bid number the week of February 21.
  • March 13— Live auction begins at 6:00PM.

Go to uuss.org/auction right now to:

  • Register and create a password so you will be able to bid in the auction
  • Buy tickets for the gourmet carry out dinner.  The link to the menu is listed on the auction homepage.
  • Donate an item or make a cash donation; after you register and are logged in, simply scroll down  and click on “Donate an item now.”

  Please help us get the word out by inviting your friends to join in the fun!


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  4 Responses to “Important Auction Dates!”

  1. I need help pricing my service donation, which is 8 rides for errands, pickups dropoffs, whatever winner needs transportation for within 20 miles away. Is there someone who can help me? Joan Gilbert. Is this a good idea?

  2. I’m mixed up on auction. Bought 2 dinner tickets under my name so assume I’m registered. Can’t get in. It comes up w husband Keith White’s phone, not mine, he’s not a member etc etc. help

  3. Hi. Could there be an icon on the front page to get to the Auction site? Thanks

    • quickest way to get to the auction page from anywhere on uuss.org is to click “events” in the menu at the top of any page and then “2021 auction”

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