Mar 202016
 March 20, 2016

Look what’s up for auction this year!

Posted by Abby Rosenblum

Posted on March 20, 2016

Click on any image below to view it with a brief description of the auction item toward the bottom of the screen. You can use the cursor keys to move to the next image.

All we’re missing is yours!  Donation window closes this week!  March 27.  Let’s make this auction fabulous!

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  4 Responses to “Look what’s up for auction this year!”

  1. Thanks for the message, Mary!
    5:30 will be fine. I will be at the door and get it rushed to the raffle table.
    Thank you for donating!
    Kimberley Ayers

  2. Is it ok to bring an item you are donating with you to the auction at 5:30 Saturday or should you bring it earlier? If earlier – when and where? Thanks,
    Mary Jones

  3. Hi Jeff,
    The date is Saturday, May 14 at 10 AM.
    You can view the entire calendar of donated events at
    Then click on CALENDAR on the menu bar.

  4. Can you tell me the date of the Amercan River walk and picnic that Carol Jacobs, Doris Janes, and I offered? Shamefully, I have lost track of it.

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