Feb 262020
 February 26, 2020

A Time to Thrive:  Leading in Love

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on February 26, 2020

March is Stewardship Season.  It’s the month when we make our pledges of monetary support to UUSS for the next budget year.  The Stewardship goal is an overall increase of 9.2% in pledges from the current year’s budget.

Reaching this goal will enable us to pay our staff members fairly, continue progress on the goals of our Strategic Plan, maintain our campus and pay down our mortgage.  With a generous increase in giving, we can add two Sunday-morning positions for a Lead Advisor in each youth group at UUSS. This will provide continuity for our youth and support to our volunteers.  In addition, we can set aside money now in order to fund a Ministerial Intern position every other year.  Then we’ll be known as a Teaching Congregation in the larger movement of Unitarian Universalism.  It is time for us to thrive!

Financial generosity is a spiritual practice.  It is also the foundation of a strong and healthy community.  Generosity is about making our mission thrive.  Every year, Lucy and I give at least 5% of our gross income to UUSS because we are committed to its mission and values.  We give out of gratitude for your creativity, compassion, courage, and love. We are inspired by the ways you enable UUSS to Lead in Love.  Thank you for your support, presence, and generosity.

In these times, the act of making a pledge to UUSS is more than a financial decision.  It is an opportunity to consider how you will make a difference.  Please know that your generosity will empower UUSS to thrive!

With gratitude,


PS— I hope you can attend our March 1 Stewardship Kickoff service. Enjoy our UUSS Choir and instrumentalists.  Hear a special message from Rev. Abhi Janamanchi, Senior Minister of Cedar Lane UU Church.  Our Stewardship Team will provide us with home-baked cookies, too!  If you can’t wait and wish to print out a 2020-21 pledge form now, find it at this link.

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  One Response to “A Time to Thrive:  Leading in Love”

  1. It was an amazing morning–the piano and choir were both rocking, the hymns were stirring, Larry’s reflection was moving, and guest preacher Abhi Janamanchi was humorous, inspiring, and affirming of our goals and intentions–a fabulous sermon. The floral arrangement was lovely.
    Lots of people turned in generous pledges for the coming budget year as we kicked off the month. And the icing on the cookies–300 home-baked heart-shaped sugar cookies offered by our Stewardship Committee. Thank you, everyone!

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