Apr 112024
 April 11, 2024

April Leadership Update

Posted by Victoria Owens

Posted on April 11, 2024

Coming Together – April Message from UUSS Leadership 

The UUSS volunteers serving in leadership positions want to keep the congregation updated about current and upcoming conversations. In this monthly message you will find updates from your Board of Trustees, Program Council, and occasionally from the Nominating Committee and Endowment Trust.

Save the Date for the Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting: The semi-annual congregational meeting will be held May 19 after church. The congregation will be voting for church officers and approving next year’s budget. To do this we need enough members there to represent the congregation, so please plan to attend. Your vote is extremely important in keeping all the programs we all love at UUSS functioning!

2024-25 Pledge Drive/Stewardship Campaign: The primary goal of the coming year’s budget is to compensate all of our UUSS staff fairly and generously, which a robust campaign will facilitate. This year’s UUSS Stewardship Campaign will take place April 7-21. Please pledge generously! The hard work of the Stewardship Committee in organizing this pledge drive is greatly appreciated! uuss.org/pledge

Solar Energy Campaign Update: Progress toward meeting our fundraising goal in the solar energy campaign has been tremendous, thanks to the generosity of more than 113 contributors. As of March 28, 2024, we raised nearly $48,865, or $8,865 more than our goal! The Board appreciates the work of the Solar Sisters: Bobbie Keill, Sandra Navarro, Gina Guarneri, and Anara Guard.

Activity Groups – Suggested Covenant: The Program Council adopted and distributed a suggested covenant for consideration by activity groups or program committees. Several groups have adopted equivalent language already. The suggested Covenant language is to help those groups which have not yet done so.

New Program Council Member Approved: The Program Council unanimously approved Pam Martin as a new PC member for a term ending in June 2025. PC members are elected by the congregation or appointed by the Council if it’s necessary to fill a vacancy for the remainder of the original term.

“Threads That Connect. Stories That Inspire”: Register for the UUA Pacific Western Regional Assembly taking place online and in-person on April 19 & 20 in Denver. Learn More Here!


How to get in touch with your volunteer leaders:

Your elected Board of Trustees meets monthly. Our next meeting will be Thursday, April 25, 6:30 pm on Zoom and in the library. You are welcome to join us by accessing the same Zoom link as the Sunday morning services. The Board’s role is to oversee issues of UUSS finances, facilities, personnel and long-range planning; it makes decisions on policies rather than management decisions. You can find more information about the board and read the minutes and treasurer’s report here:  uuss.org/board

To contact the Board email

The Program Council meets on Zoom the third Thursday of each month. Persons interested in attending a meeting can request contact information at 

Feel free to engage any committee member from Nominating Committee. They have yellow name tags. Or stop by and check out their table when you see it. And lastly you can always reach them by email at .

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