Dec 222022
 December 22, 2022

Autumn Auction Results

Posted by Victoria Owens

Posted on December 22, 2022

We have the final numbers for the service auction, and they are GREAT.  Overall, we brought in $32,974 and an additional $10,975 for the Meadow project!

We could not have done it without the help of so many people, starting with our illustrious chair, Lauren Davis-Todd. Lauren agreed to serve despite not having the co-chair we promised her, and she did a tremendous job.

Lauren was assisted by a team of people who worked very hard under a tight timeline and produced a really nice event. The Board would like to thank Beth TenPas, Deirdre Downes, Annette Emery, Tiki Harlow, Marion Randall, Karen Gunderson, Meg Burnett, Dirk Tuell and the scores of other people who worked in the kitchen, set up, sold tickets, cleaned up and performed the myriad other tasks necessary to make the evening a success. Thank you!

Our thanks also to every one of you who donated an item, bid on an item or gave to a Fund-A-Need item. The Auction is our largest fundraiser of the year and contributes meaningfully to our financial stability. THANK YOU!

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