Call to our Congregational Meeting–Sunday, May 15, 2016
Posted by Linda Clear
Posted on April 14, 2016
It’s that time of year again when we have our semi-annual congregation meeting. The meeting will be on May 15, immediately after the service. This is our most important congregation meeting as we will be discussing and voting on our annual budget for 2016/2017 and the elections of our leadership. Please plan to attend this most important meeting. An agenda will be available prior to the meeting and we will have copies of the proposed budget available at the meeting.
We will hold a budget meeting on May 1, at 9:30am in the Fahs Classroom to discuss and answer any questions you might have about the budget prior to the congregation meeting. This meeting is very important and we need a quorum of members to conduct business. While only members may vote for candidates and on the budget, all are welcome to this open meeting. See you then!
Linda Clear, President
UUSS Board of Trustees
PS–child care continues after the worship service until 1:00 PM so parents and guardians can attend this important meeting. Let our child care staffers know in advance if you will be staying for the meeting.
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