Dec 112024
 December 11, 2024

December Leadership Message

Posted by Victoria Owens

Posted on December 11, 2024

december leadership updateUUSS volunteers serving in leadership positions are committed to keeping the congregation updated about recent and upcoming goings on. We know that December – with its proximity to the election and runup to the holidays – is a busy and, in many ways, difficult time, and encourage you to stay close to one another and your church community. We’re here for you.

A bit of good news: The service auction was a resounding success. The revenue from the auction items exceeded the expected budget. In addition, the Fund-A-Need donations for the kitchen upgrades came in several thousand dollars higher than we anticipated! The Administrative and Property Management Committee (APMC) is updating the plans for the kitchen upgrade to ensure we make the best use of the money that was so generously donated. UUSS continues to be in a strong financial position, with net revenue above the budget year-to-date. The monthly Treasurer’s Reports are available at: Treasurer’s Reports (*be patient please, link is slow to load).

And more good news: Following the congregation’s vote to extend our Community Partner relationships into the coming year, Fred Pannek has stepped up to become our next Community Partner Liaison. We look forward to the energy and experience he brings to this role. A big thank you to our prior liaison, Bobbie Keill. Bobbie’s efforts helped us live into our mission by engaging more deeply with our community partners.

From the Nominating Committee: Are you curious about working with others to support and grow our UUSS community? If so, look for the Nominating Committee’s table in the Welcome Hall and Take a “Seat at the Table” after service on 1/12, 1/26, 2/9 and 2/2 to speak with a committee member about leadership opportunities in 2025 and beyond. Or send questions to .

Be our delegates to General Assembly this year: General Assembly is the annual convention of UU congregations. It will take place both online and in person in Baltimore, Maryland, June 18-22. UUSS will provide scholarships for your registration, so don’t let registration fees stop you. If you’re curious about attending in person or online on behalf of UUSS, contact Rev. Roger Jones or Trustee Sally Wilkins. Get more information at:

Update from Program Council: If you are a group or activity leader, be on the lookout for an email from your PC liaison because PC is gathering your budget requests for the 25/26 church year. Program Council will not meet in December. The next meeting will be on January 16 at 6:30pm.

And finally, a reminder: The Board’s role is to oversee issues of UUSS finances, facilities, personnel and long-range planning. The Board makes decisions on policy rather than management.

How to get in touch with your volunteer leaders: 

Board – Your elected Board of Trustees meets monthly. The December meeting will take place on the third Thursday of the month (not the fourth), at 6:30pm. This month, we will meet on Zoom only due to a concert at UUSS. You are welcome to join us by clicking on the Sunday service link.

You can find more information about the board and read the minutes and treasurer’s report here: To contact the Board by email:  .

Program Council – The Program Council normally meets on Zoom the third Thursday of each month but it will not meet in December. The next meeting will be on January 16. If you are interested in attending or need to be in touch with them, please email:  .

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