Dec 122023
 December 12, 2023

December Message from UUSS Leadership

Posted by Victoria Owens

Posted on December 12, 2023

Monthly Leadership Update to the Congregation

Bright Things Coming to UUSS!

The UUSS volunteers serving in leadership positions want to keep the congregation updated about current and upcoming conversations. In this monthly message you will find updates from your Board of Trustees, Program Council, and occasionally from the Nominating Committee and Endowment Trust.

Solar is Coming! The Board voted to approve that UUSS enter into contract with Magic Sun to install solar panels for enhanced energy efficiency. The contract cost will be roughly $80,000 after rebates, and is expected to pay for itself in energy cost savings in about 9-10 years.

By-Laws Changes: The Board is embarking in an effort to amend the UUSS bylaws. The last time the by-laws were amended was in 2018. Take this opportunity to read this document (available here: By-Laws for Review) that guides our congregation and submit your input to by February 28th. Please note that it’s the by-laws, not the Constitution, that are being amended at this time.

Program Council Update: Group budget requests for ’24 – ’25 are being collected prior to an early January deadline. Requests will be reviewed at the January PC meeting, recommendations made and forwarded to the Board of Trustees.

UUA Pacific Western Region: The Regional Assembly is taking place on April 19, 20 2024 at First Universalist Church in Denver and Online. Registration Opens in January.


How to get in touch with your volunteer leaders:
Your elected Board of Trustees meets monthly.  Our next meeting will be Thursday, December 28th, 6:30 pm on Zoom and in the library. You are welcome to join us by accessing the same Zoom link as the Sunday morning services.

The Board’s role is to oversee issues of UUSS finances, facilities, personnel and long-range planning; it makes decisions on policies rather than management decisions.

You can find more information about the board and read the minutes and treasurer’s report here: To contact the Board email

The Program Council normally meets on Zoom the third Thursday of each month (but no meeting in December). Persons interested in attending a meeting can request contact information at: 

Feel free to engage any committee member from Nominating Committee. They have yellow name tags. Or stop by and check out their table when you see it. And lastly you can always reach them by email at

Want to keep up with what our region of the UUA is doing and offering?
Subscribe to the Pacific Western Region newsletter: Newsletter Subscription

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