Aug 072016
 August 7, 2016

Election Results

Posted by J Lopes

Posted on August 7, 2016

Today the congregation voted to approve the mounting of a Black Lives Matter banner at UUSS. The ballot read, “I approve the installation of a banner or sign on UUSS property to be visible from Sierra Boulevard, indicating that Black Lives Matter to UUSS”.

Yes votes: 95          No votes: 22          Abstentions: 3

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  4 Responses to “Election Results”

  1. Thank you all for your input and helping to keep this conversation going. The Board should be able to announce the names of those in the working group by our next Board meeting on August 25.

  2. I have been concerned from the start of the “Black Lives Matter” movement at the very deliberate way that the racist opposition has tried to dilute or deter it’s intent by using the phrases “All lives matter” or Blue lives matter etc. I like the idea of saying that Black lives matter to us, why not you? or some other form that throws the meaning right back in their face. Wish also we could call on other churches, synagogs, mosques etc to display a sign of that nature at the same time, on a designated date. Physical response would be much more difficult that way. I thank the congregation for making it possible to move forward on this issue.

    Dick Tarble

    • Synagogues–and many other organizations–are not likely to sign on to a campaign to specifically state “Black Lives Matter” given that the official Black Lives Matter platform was released on August 1, 2016, and, as part of its 40,000 words, labels Israel a “genocidal” “apartheid” state.

      I voted in favor of this banner with the understanding, given at the 8/7/16 congregational meeting, that there would be a UUSS task force or other body that would work on determining the exact language to be used on the banner, particularly in light of the BLM platform, which also contains other demands and positions that may not be what UUSS voted to align itself with.

      I encourage the UUSS community to research the BLM platform, which was released under the name The Movement for Black Lives. I think in light of this platform, we need to consider carefully how closely we want to associate UUSS with the specific Black Lives Matter organization, as opposed to making a strong, meaningful statement about our congregation’s belief that black lives, and racial justice, matter.

  3. I am happy that the vote for a Banner came out so positively . Thank You ,Linda for directing us to Janet’s Post. ALL of us who voted YES must now work to learn more (and convey our knowledge ) to others. In writing to my Congresswoman and other officials, I am saying we need to spend less on the Military and Modernizing Nuclear Bombs and more on Education I am proposing that we should have Education related to White Racism from Pre-School through College.

    THANK YOU Roger and Reverend Lucy for all you are doing to help our Members know how to Welcome persons of ALL races to our Society.

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