Oct 302016
 October 30, 2016

Farewell for now! (Sabbatical departure)

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on October 30, 2016

I was taken by surprise today at the end of our service when Rev. Lucy, our UUSS Choir, the Board of Trustees and the Committee on Ministry led the congregation in spoken and sung blessings of me as I start my sabbatical.  I was deeply moved and grateful for the good wishes, and for the cards from groups and individuals in the congregation.  Monday will be my last day at the office, so give a call, send an email or drop in for a quick visit or a hug.  (Always good to call ahead when meeting with one of our minsiterial staff to make sure we don’t have an appointment or a meeting.)

Our choir sounded wonderful during the service, not only during its musical sendoff.  The gorgeous altar was glowing with candles by the end of the service, as we remembered those we have lost at this annual service.

The vegetarian chili afterwards was delicious and it sustained me for the rest of the afternoon.  We had over a dozen visitors, many of them here for the first time.  Several stayed for the monthly Newcomers’ Orientation and Tour after the service (next one is November 27 at noon).  Then we had the dedication ceremony for our newly erected banner on our grounds:  Black lives matter here.   (I will post the text on our website updates on the home page.)

I’m sorry to miss Saturday night’s Fall Spaghetti Dinner and the performances of “Middletown” by Theater One on our stage!

As of midnight Monday night, I turn into a pumpkin.  See you all in January!

Yours in faith,


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