Feb 102022
 February 10, 2022

February Board Update

Posted by Victoria Owens

Posted on February 10, 2022

Message from your president:

Tonie-DarlingAlong with you, I mourn the recent passing of Tonie Darling.  Tonie was a remarkable and talented person who served as the president of our congregation since last July.  She was on the board since 2020, after joining UUSS in 2015. Tonie was proud to be a lifelong UU.  Per our bylaws, the board may appoint a replacement for a vacant position to serve until the next election.   At the January board of trustees meeting, David Harlow and I were appointed as Vice President and President, respectively, to serve through June 30 of this year.  We look forward to helping lead the congregation through these challenging times.

Respectfully, Denis Edgren

Issues Discussed at the January Meeting:

2022-23 Budget – The board will begin reviewing, discussing and prioritizing items for next fiscal year’s budget which will be presented at the May Congregational Meeting.

Program Council Volunteer Requests/Opportunities Forms.  The Program Council has created an on-line system that will simplify recruiting volunteers and communicating when volunteers are needed. The pages can be accessed here: Volunteer Opportunities List and Volunteer Request Form.

The Nominating Committee is creating a slate of nominees for various leadership positions.  Voting will be at the May Congregational Meeting.  Nominating Committee.

The Board meets monthly.  Our February meeting will be Thursday, February 24 at 7 pm on Zoom.  We use the same Zoom link as Sunday Services which is accessed via the webpage uuss.org/online

You can find more information about the board, read the minutes and treasurer’s report here Board of Trustees.

To contact the Board: 

Board Members
Denis Edgren, President
David Harlow, Vice President
Victoria Owens, Treasurer
Anara Guard, Secretary
Hally Cahssai
Frances Myers
Linnea Stanton
Marilyn Reynolds
Eric Ross

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