Feb 152025
 February 15, 2025

February Leadership Update to the Congregation

Posted by Victoria Owens

Posted on February 15, 2025

february leadership updateThe UUSS volunteers serving in leadership positions wish to keep the congregation updated about current and upcoming conversations. In this message, you will find updates from your Board of Trustees, Program Council, and occasionally Nominating Committee and Endowment Trust.

General Assembly: GA will be held online and in person in Baltimore, MD, June 18-22. UUSS is allowed eight voting delegates, and the Board of Trustees has voted to support the costs of registration for our delegates. While some UUSS members have volunteered to participate, we are in need of additional participants. For more information on the Assembly, visit uua.org/ga. To learn about becoming a delegate, please email .

Health of the Congregation: You may have noticed the large number of participants each Sunday, both in person and on Zoom. We believe this interest reflects a growing need for shared community and increased energy. Please remember to greet attendees with whom you might not have interacted before.

Call for Candidates: Are you feeling called to play a larger part in the fabric of UUSS, or at least curious about it? If so, great! The Nominating Committee is starting its search for members to be candidates for open leadership positions including on the Board of Trustees, the Program Council, the Endowment Trust Committee, and the Nominating Committee. Elections take place in May for terms beginning this summer. Visit the Nominating Committee’s table in the Welcome Hall in February for information about roles and responsibilities, or email .

Program Council: PC is grieving the loss of our dear member Jon Peterson. Michael Feliciano has been appointed to serve the remainder of Jon’s term. Sean Fountain will continue as the Chair (previously he co-chaired, along with Jon).
Program Council Budget Recommendations: PC has confirmed and submitted to the Board of Trustees a 2025-2026 budget recommendation for the groups, programs, and committees overseen by the council.

Treasurer’s Report: More than halfway through the fiscal year, UUSS is in a strong financial position. Revenue is running ahead of projections, while expenses are below projections.

Spring Pledge Drive: The Board is beginning budget discussions for 2025/2026 in preparation for the Spring Pledge Drive. More information concerning the drive will be available in the coming weeks.

From the Fundraising Strategy Committee Thank you to the 20 donors who made special year-end gifts in December to the Heritage Fund, Ministers’ Discretionary Fund, or Operating Fund, totaling over $9,000. Thanks also to more than 60 donors who made gifts ranging from $5 to $500 toward a holiday gratuity for all our non-clergy staff members, and thanks to the ministers for facilitating these holiday gifts. Also, through our Shared Offering contributions, all of us have sent $3,900 to Sacramento Area Congregations Together (SacACT), our Community Partner in January.


How to get in touch with your volunteer leaders:
Your elected Board of Trustees meets monthly. Our next meeting will be Thursday, February 27, 6:30 pm, on Zoom and in the library. You are welcome to join us by accessing the same Zoom link as the Sunday morning services. The Board’s role is to oversee issues of UUSS finances, facilities, personnel and long-range planning; it makes decisions on policies rather than management decisions.  You can find more information about the board and read the minutes and Treasurer’s report here uuss.org/board . To contact the Board email: 

The Program Council meets on Zoom the third Thursday of each month. Persons interested in attending a meeting or contacting the Program Council co-chairs can email .

Feel free to engage any committee member from Nominating Committee. They have yellow name tags. Or stop by and check out their table when you see it. And lastly you can always reach them by email at 

Our next Congregational Meeting will be after church on Sunday, May 18, 2025, in the sanctuary and online. Members will vote for lay leaders for several elected positions as well as approve the budget for fiscal year 2025-26. All are welcome to attend, and we hope that Members will put this on your calendars.


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