Feb 112023
 February 11, 2023

February Message from the Board of Trustees

Posted by Victoria Owens

Posted on February 11, 2023

Your elected Board of Trustees meets monthly. Our next meeting will be Thursday, February 23 at 6:30 pm. Our meeting takes place in person in the UUSS library and on Zoom. You are welcome to join us either in person or by accessing the same Zoom link as the one used for the Sunday morning services. The agenda will be posted in advance of the meeting.

We think it is very important to keep the congregation updated about current and upcoming conversations. The Board’s role is to oversee issues of UUSS finances, facilities, personnel, and long-range planning; it makes decisions on policies rather than management decisions. You can find more information about the Board and read the minutes and treasurer’s report here: uuss.org/board.

Information from the January Board Meeting

  • The Board talked with a representative from the Nominating Committee about the 2023 election.
  • Discussed the development of a process for periodically evaluating the ministers.
  • The Board liaison will ask the Administrative and Property Management Committee (APMC) to investigate an energy efficiency audit and to look into whether there are opportunities to improve the parking lot rather than replacing it.
  • Discussed the need to recruit delegates for the upcoming General Assembly (GA). GA will be held June 21 – 25, 2023 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Delegates and other attendees may attend virtually instead of in person. Interested? Contact the Board at board@uuss.org
  • We are planning a “watch party” at the church for people to virtually attend GA in a group. More information to come.


Leadership Opportunities

Leadership Reception: The Program Council is sponsoring a reception to get to know the church leaders in the Fahs room after the service on February 12. Join church leaders in the Fahs Room for refreshments and to learn how the Board of Trustees, Program Council, Nominating Committee and Endowment Trust Committee operate and about the positions elected by the congregation. Learn about other opportunities that help the congregation to achieve our mission to deepen our lives and be a force for healing in the world.

Safety Committee: Have you been trained on CPR and/or the use of an AED device? If so, would you be willing to be on a list of trained people, to be used in case of emergency?

Would you like to be trained? The Board is committed to the safety of all UUSS participants. As part of our effort, we are working to revive the UUSS Safety Committee and train more people. If you would be willing to participate, please contact the Board at board@uuss.org.

To contact the Board board@uuss.org

Most Sincerely,

UUSS Board of Trustees

Board Members

Anara Guard, President
Denis Edgren, Vice President
Victoria Owens, Treasurer
Frances Myers, Secretary
Hally Cahssai, Member-at-Large
Susan Davis-James, Member-at-Large
Marilyn Reynolds, Member-at-Large
Jed Shapiro, Member-at-Large
Sally Wilkins, Member-at-Large

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