Mar 042020
 March 4, 2020

Focus, Function, Future, Fun!

Posted by Sally White

Posted on March 4, 2020

Sally-WhiteWhat a dynamic time in which we live! St. Patrick’s Day is upon us and being a descendant of the Mahaney/Lynch clan, it is one of my favorite times to “wear the green!” Our Congregational Meeting is May 19th and will include the election of officers for the coming year. The UU General Assembly is June 24 to 28 in Rhode Island, and I plan on being there!

With so much to explore, one area I’m focused on is leading in a UU congregation. My leadership experience is corporate and community-based, making the UU experience a new and exciting exploration of possibilities. At every Sunday and at every committee meeting I attend, I am so motivated by the activity and dedication of congregants who are involved. It is inspiring to see the level of activity in this congregation, and I want to be the best leader possible. So, I am looking at the UU Centered Leadership Part 1 being offered online as one of my areas of information and support. It covers:

  • how covenant is the center of UU faith
  • how our congregational polity works
  • how we can create strong, healthy communities
  • a deeper understanding of being a committed member of our congregations and the wider UUA
  • how being a member of a congregation is a “lab” for building a Beloved Community

It is clear to see that many of you are lifelong or long-term UU’s with much more UU leadership experience, and I thank you all for the support you provide this congregation. There may be others in the congregation who, like me, are new to UU or those who are new to leadership. If that is so, and you are interested in playing a leadership role at UUSS, look at the UUA leadership development opportunities. In addition, your Leadership Task Force is working on developing a curriculum that will provide comfortable and informative training as a prospective lay leader here at UUSS. Be sure to stay tuned as we move forward.

Have a wonderful green month!

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