Dec 102017
 December 10, 2017

Generosity Update —

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on December 10, 2017

  • At church on the Sundays in November, members & friends contributed $2,800 in the weekly Shared Offering to support the survival services of Sacramento Loaves & Fishes.
  • In the past three weeks, folks came to the Refugee Support table and donated toys and household items, gift cards and cash to help three refugee families get situated and settled as our neighbors; we reached the goal of $1,730 plus the in-kind gifts.  These families are reviewed and selected by the State Department and served for a brief time by a resettlement agency.  We are proud to partner with International Rescue Committee, founded during the Nazi terrors in Europe in the 1930s and 40s.
  • On two Sundays in October, members and friends donated more than $5,000 for disaster relief in California, the Gulf Coast and Caribbean, including Puerto Rico.
  • Next Sunday we will be signing holiday cards to immigrants detained by ICE to let them know they are not forgotten.
  • Sunday mornings in December we share half of the offering with Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services.

I’m very proud of UUSS. We are answering the call to Love.

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