Oct 022020
 October 2, 2020

In Loving Memory: Elandria Williams

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on October 2, 2020

elandria williamsShe died unexpectedly Sept. 23 at age 41.   As a young adult and woman of color, Elandria served as Co-moderator of the Unitarian Universalist Association through June 2020, presiding over General Assembly and co-chairing the UUA Board of Trustees.  She credited the mentorship she gained while growing up in the Tennessee Valley UU Church for her life in activism, especially her service for the Highlander Center.

The UU World magazine has recently republished a 2014 essay from Elandria about what her church and this faith community has meant to her.  Read it at this link.

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  3 Responses to “In Loving Memory: Elandria Williams”

  1. I am just now seeing this news and am shocked and heartbroken. Elandria put the life into the GA back in June. Her energy was contagious, her insight so meaningful. The world was certainly a better place because she was in it. RIP Elandria. You will be very much missed.

  2. I just read this and was heartbroken. I came to appreciate Elandira’s energy and skills during the last couple of GA’s. She will leave a huge hole in the UU community.

  3. We fell in love with Elandria last June at General Assembly in Spokane. Attending General Assembly virtually this past June, she was once again a delightful person who radiated energy. We were shocked at her untimely passing.

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