June 22 Board Meeting Update
Posted by Victoria Owens
Posted on July 18, 2023
Your elected Board of Trustees meets monthly. Our next meeting will be Thursday, July 27, at 6:30 pm in person and on Zoom. You are welcome to join us by accessing the same Zoom link as the Sunday morning services. The agenda will be posted in advance of each meeting.
We think it is important to keep the congregation updated about current and upcoming conversations. The Board’s role is to oversee issues of UUSS finances, facilities, personnel, and long-range planning; it makes decisions on policies rather than management decisions. You can find more information about the Board and read the minutes and Treasurer’s Report at uuss.org/board.
General Assembly
The annual gathering of Unitarian-Universalists took place June 21-25 in Pittsburgh and online. Our eight delegates attended virtual sessions and represented UUSS. Our delegates were Andy Cramer; Sean Fountain; Karen Gunderson; Meg Gunderson; Mary Howard; Rich Howard; Leanna Pierson (filling in for Marlaina Rodriguez); and Beth TenPas. Reverend Roger attended in person as one of our ministerial delegates. Delegates report that virtual watch parties were well-attended.
Changing of the Board
July 1st marks the conclusion of some Board member terms, and the beginning of others. The Board expresses gratitude to outgoing Secretary Frances Myers and Member-at-Large Marilyn Reynolds. And the Board welcomes incoming Secretary Lisa Dahlquist and Member-at-Large Leanna Pierson.
Thank You
The Board expresses sincere thanks to all those who gave of their time to serve as GA delegates, as well as those individuals who helped to make this year’s All Ages Camp a resounding success.
To contact the Board:
Most Sincerely,
UUSS Board of Trustees
Board Members
Anara Guard, President
Denis Edgren, Vice President
Victoria Owens, Treasurer
Lisa Dahlquist, Secretary
Hally Cahssai, Member-at-Large
Susan Davis-James, Member-at-Large
Leanna Pierson, Member-at-Large
Jed Shapiro, Member-at-Large
Sally Wilkins, Member-at-Large
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