Mar 212024
 March 21, 2024

March Leadership Update

Posted by Victoria Owens

Posted on March 21, 2024

Monthly Leadership Update to the Congregation

Fueling our Congregation – March Message from UUSS Leadership

The UUSS volunteers serving in leadership positions want to keep the congregation updated about current and upcoming conversations. In this monthly message you will find updates from your Board of Trustees, Program Council, and occasionally from the Nominating Committee and Endowment Trust.

Solar Energy Campaign: Progress toward meeting our fundraising goal in the solar energy campaign has been tremendous, thanks to the generosity of more than 100 contributors. As of early March, nearly $36,000, or 90% of the goal, has been collected! The Board appreciates the work of the Solar Sisters: Bobbie Keill, Sandra Navarro, Gina Guarneri, and Anara Guard. A number of people sponsored the $330 cost of one solar panel–or more than one! Other donations in various amounts have also helped us make progress. Additional contributions will continue to be accepted and appreciated as we look toward the opportunity to achieve cost savings and energy conservation from the sunny weather coming up. Contact our Bookkeeper at  to make a donation or just mail a check to UUSS with “Solar” in the memo line.

2024-25 Stewardship Campaign: This year’s UUSS Stewardship Campaign will take place April 7-21. The primary goal of the coming year’s budget is to compensate all of our UUSS staff fairly and generously, which a robust campaign will facilitate. Please pledge generously!

2024 General Assembly: This year’s UUA General Assembly is scheduled to take place June 20-23, and it will be all online. In its February meeting, the UUSS Board voted to fund up to $2,500 from the Heritage Fund to pay for registering our 8 delegates at the early registration level, and to pay for watch party refreshments. Contact Board member Sally Wilkins to ask about it:  or visit our denomination’s website:

“Threads That Connect. Stories That Inspire”: Register for the Pacific Western Regional Assembly taking place online and in-person on April 19th & 20th in Denver. Learn More Here! Sally is organizing a Watch Party to be held in the Fahs Room so keep your eyes and ears open for more details to come.

Rent out our beautiful facilities: We have wonderful facilities that are available for rental for weddings, parties, family reunions, work events, etc. Consider renting our many spaces (indoor and outdoor, different sizes) for your next event and tell everybody you know about them. Rentals bring us a needed source of income to help carry out our mission. Information about rentals is here on our website.

How to get in touch with your volunteer leaders:

Your elected Board of Trustees meets monthly. Our next meeting will be Thursday, March 28th, 6:30 pm on Zoom and in the library. You are welcome to join us by accessing the same Zoom link as the Sunday morning services. The Board’s role is to oversee issues of UUSS finances, facilities, personnel and long-range planning; it makes decisions on policies rather than management decisions.

You can find more information about the board and read the minutes and treasurer’s report here To contact the Board email

The Program Council meets on Zoom the third Thursday of each month. Persons interested in attending a meeting can request contact information at 

Feel free to engage any committee member from Nominating Committee. They have yellow name tags. Or stop by and check out their table when you see it. And lastly you can always reach them by email at 

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