March Leadership Update
Posted by Victoria Owens
Posted on March 12, 2025
The UUSS volunteers serving in leadership positions wish to keep the congregation updated about current and upcoming conversations. In this message, you will find updates from your Board of Trustees, Program Council, and occasionally Nominating Committee and Endowment Trust.
Call for Candidates: The Nominating Committee is currently vetting candidates for the various open leadership positions. Thanks to all who have expressed interest thus far. We continue to search for a volunteer for the position of Board Secretary. If you feel called to a position, please email
Feedback Request: The Program Council is seeking feedback regarding how post-service events and activities (for example, Coffee or Soup Sunday) can better accommodate our members and visitors with mobility challenges. Please contact us at with your thoughts and suggestions.
Memorial Wall: The idea for a Memorial Wall has been kicked around for a number of years, and we are now ready to start the project in earnest. Rev. Roger, Rev. Lucy, Gail Evans, and Dawn Huebner are looking for a few additional volunteers to help us move this forward. Interested parties would be involved in thinking through the design of the wall, the process for sponsoring bricks or plaques, and how funding would work. This would be a time-limited project, perfect for members and friends whose travel or other life commitments make it difficult to join traditional committees. If you are interested, please contact Lucy or Roger.
General Assembly: GA will be held online and in person in Baltimore, MD, June 18-22. UUSS is allowed eight voting delegates, and the Board of Trustees has voted to support the costs of registration for our delegates. While some UUSS members have volunteered to participate, we are in need of additional participants. For more information on the Assembly, visit To learn about becoming a delegate, please email
Congregational Meeting: Save the date! The next Congregational Meeting will be Sunday May 18 after the service. This will be your opportunity to vote on congregational leaders for various offices, approve the budget for the upcoming 2025-2026 fiscal year, and receive important updates about the congregation.
The Spring Pledge Drive is fast approaching! This year’s stewardship theme is Embracing Community: Shaping the Future. Between March 30 and April 13, we will be asking for your financial commitment to the congregation for the coming 2025-2026 fiscal year. And you are invited to attend a special lunch and concert sponsored by Stewardship after the service on Sunday, April 6.
Community Partner: UUSS has a practice of giving away half of every Sunday offering. Our Community Partner for the month of February was the Effie Yeaw Nature Center in Carmichael, along the American River. UUSS sent $3,628 to support its important work. Thanks for your generosity. May generosity bless our world and may gratitude nourish our spirits!
How to get in touch with your volunteer leaders:
Your elected Board of Trustees meets monthly. Our next meeting will be Thursday, March 27, 6:30 pm, on Zoom and in the library. You are welcome to join us by accessing the same Zoom link as the Sunday morning services. The Board’s role is to oversee issues of UUSS finances, facilities, personnel and long-range planning; it makes decisions on policies rather than management decisions. You can find more information about the board and read the minutes and Treasurer’s report here To contact the Board email
The Program Council meets on Zoom the third Thursday of each month. Persons interested in attending a meeting or contacting the Program Council co-chairs can email
Feel free to engage any committee member from Nominating Committee. They have yellow name tags. You can always reach them by email at