Nov 212024
 November 21, 2024

November 2024 Leadership Message

Posted by Victoria Owens

Posted on November 21, 2024

november leadership updateMonthly Leadership Update to the Congregation

The UUSS volunteers serving in leadership positions want to keep the congregation updated about current and upcoming conversations. We join with the ministers in acknowledging this is a difficult time, and encourage you to reach out to one another for support. In this monthly message you will find updates from your Board of Trustees and Program Council.

Fall Congregational Meeting: Thank you to all who participated. The congregation approved extending our current Community Partners for 2025, allowing us to develop deeper ties with them. We also approved meeting minutes from our May congregational meeting and heard updates from our leaders about our achievements in the past six months and continuing work to keep our congregation healthy and thriving.

Unsung Heroes: Program Council honored two of our members with the Unsung Hero Award at the Fall Congregational Meeting. Thank you to Meg Burnett and David Dawson for their significant contributions in time and effort to our Beloved Community in mostly “behind the scenes” work.

Fall Fla-mingle Auction: Thank you to the Auction Committee that worked very hard to make both the Fall Fla-mingle Auction held on Saturday November 9 and the Silent Auction a success!

Refugee Support Team Concert: Thanks to the Refugee Support team for the wonderful World Music Concert on October 13th! The concert raised $2,000 to help us meet the $8,000 amount needed for the UU funding program challenge grant to support our Afghan refugee families! A special thanks to everyone who performed or brought the wonderful treats.

Thanksgiving Dinner: There will be a Thanksgiving dinner at UUSS on Thursday, November 28, starting at 2 pm. The cost is $5. You are encouraged to bring sides or a dessert. Sign up in the Welcome Hall table with Sally Wilkins or visit Volunteers are needed to help with precooking, set up and clean up. If there are questions, see Sally Wilkins, or Crystal and Sean Fountain.

Strategic Plan: The Board will be reviewing and working with several groups on updating the congregation’s Strategic Plan. The revised plan will be presented at the Spring Congregational Meeting.

How to get in touch with your volunteer leaders: 

Your elected Board of Trustees meets monthly. During November and December, meetings will take place on the third Thursday of the month, at 6:30. You are welcome to join us by accessing the same Zoom link as the Sunday morning services. The Board’s role is to oversee issues of UUSS finances, facilities, personnel and long-range planning; it makes decisions on policies rather than management decisions.

You can find more information about the board and read the minutes and treasurer’s report here To contact the Board email .

The Program Council meets on Zoom the third Thursday of each month. Persons interested in attending a meeting or contacting the Program Council co-chairs can email

Feel free to engage any committee member from Nominating Committee. They have yellow name tags. Or stop by and check out their table when you see it. And lastly you can always reach them by email at g.

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