Jun 182021
 June 18, 2021

Orientation to General Assembly with Rev. Roger

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on June 18, 2021

Monday, June 21, from 5:55 PM to 6:55 PM in the UUSS Zoom Stream!

The UUA General Assembly takes place online Wednesday-Saturday, June 23-26.\

GA is the annual gathering of UU congregations for the business of our Unitarian Universalist Association as well as for inspiring worship services, great lectures, and workshops that help us grow as people and as volunteers, staff and clergy in our institutions. This is the second year that GA will be virtual and won’t be in a convention city (next year in Portland, Oregon).
UUSS has more than a dozen people registered, including voting delegates.

uua logoWhether or not you plan to attend, you are welcome to attend this orientation.Learn about the UUA structure as it relates to GA sessions and votes and hear what some of the highlights will be. (While paid registration is necessary for most programs, the worship services on Thursday evening and Sunday morning are free and open to the public.) Check it out at uua.org/ga if you can, but don’t miss this conversation of GA newbies and GA regulars! For questions, contact Rev. Roger

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