Jun 102022
 June 10, 2022

Recognition and Affirmation of Co-ministry at UUSS

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on June 10, 2022

Resolution:  The UUSS Board of Trustees recognizes and affirms that Rev. Dr. Roger Jones and Rev. Lucy Bunch function as Ministers of Equal Standing in serving this congregation.  Our ministers have the Board’s full support in this arrangement.  (APPROVED April 28, 2022)

Background and Explanation of the Resolution

The Board of Trustees, Program Council and Committee on Ministry recognize and celebrate that Rev. Dr. Roger Jones and Rev. Lucy Bunch have evolved into a co-ministry team in serving this congregation.  Their ministry has been a model of collaboration and collegiality, and it has been fruitful for the congregation’s vitality, creativity, resilience, and commitment to its mission.

They have been working together since Rev. Lucy arrived nine years ago.  Both of them have taken sabbatical leaves, during which the other one operated as the sole ordained minister for the church; these were creative times for them and the congregation. Four years ago, with the support and expertise of UUA Pacific Western Region staff, our two ministers developed a covenant of shared ministry by which to operate.

They have shared their covenant with lay leaders every year as they have described their mutual portfolios of ministry at UUSS.  On a co-equal basis, they make ministry decisions collaboratively and support each other’s ministry.  This ministry model has the support not only of our leadership bodies at UUSS but of relevant staff at the UUA and Pacific Western Region.  This model of ministers of equal standing reflects one of the many innovative approaches to ministry at other UU congregations of our size, which are blessed to have more than one ordained minister.

At this time, our ministers have asked to have this working relationship recognized officially by elected lay leaders and affirmed and celebrated by the congregation.  In practical terms, by this recognition, they would each have the title of Minister of Equal Standing for UUSS.  However, their functions and activities would not change by it.  The Program Council and Board of Trustees have both taken unanimous votes in support of the co-ministry model, which has been so fruitful for Rev. Roger, Rev. Lucy, and the Congregation.

We look forward to deeper engagement with our ministers.  We celebrate their commitment to Unitarian Universalist values and thank them for their dedicated, ongoing ministry to UUSS.

Forums for Conversation–Invitation from the Committee on Ministry

We will be celebrating this new relationship in the fall, but wanted to give members opportunities to ask questions and find out more.  You can come to a Q and A session in person Sunday, June 12, at noon in the Fahs Classroom, hosted by the Committee on Ministry and Board members. There will also be a Zoom meeting uuss.org/online on Monday, June 27 at 7:00 pm hosted by Mary Howard.

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