Oct 152018
 October 15, 2018

Report to the Congregational Meeting Oct. 21

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on October 15, 2018

I hope to see you all at this Sunday’s meeting after church.  Friends and guests are always welcome to these open meetings (in October and May), but we do need a quorum of voting Members to conduct business.  Here is my report to the congregation.  Happy to take questions in advance or at the meeting.  Thanks to our Board of Trustees for all the preparation for this important congregational event!

Senior Minister’s Report to the Congregational Meeting ~ October 21, 2018

Energy!  The high level of energy at UUSS is my theme as I report to you at this fall meeting.

Consider all these developments as indicators of the vitality of our congregation:

·        September was an exciting month of celebration for the 150th Anniversary, with two denominational leaders preaching, a reception honoring women’s heritage at UUSS, great music, large crowds, and a major boost in donations for the Anniversary Gifts project (new parking lot lighting and a permanent patio cover structure to give us more gathering space).

·        The unanimous vote at our May 20 meeting, approving the five-year strategic plan.  This capped months of conversation and vision. Now I hope you will encourage folks to participate in the coming months in fleshing out our three major goals with specific objectives and action plans.

·        The new Family Ministry Team has wasted no time in pursuing the goal of building a deeper community for all ages, with one family-friendly fellowship event planned for each month, such as the water slide and BBQ, Apple Night, “Coco” movie, and Dec. 7 holiday party.  We’ve had conversations with UUA Staff on our options and ideas in this area.   We hosted a regional UU Religious Education conference with a keynote theme of reimagining of RE and family ministry.

·        It’s a blessing to serve with Rev. Lucy Bunch, now in her sixth year at UUSS.  Thanks to her energy, we have many more opportunities for connection and involvement here, plus dozens more members.  Under her leadership, our Administrative Staff’s morale and commitment are at the highest level I’ve seen in my decade here.  I’m glad Lucy is taking a three-month sabbatical this winter.  We’ll have at least one guest preacher per month in January, February and March, and we’re cooking up some fun all-ages worship services too.  Most of the programs that Lucy has begun will continue with the support of dedicated lay leadership.  We will miss Lucy, we’ll do fine while she’s away, and we’ll look forward to giving her a warm welcome back.

·        It’s gratifying also to have the support and the ministries of several other colleagues here—our Minister Emeritus, Rev. Doug Kraft (and his talented wife, Erika); Rev. Martha Hodges, co-leader of our Pastoral Visitors and a popular Adult Enrichment leader here; Chaplain Cynthia Davis, who is leading a Senior LifeSong series, and Sangye Hawke, a seminarian at Starr King School for the Ministry, who is teaching Spiritually Mindful Parenting.  I appreciate the dedication of RE Coordinator Miranda Massa and the volunteers and child care providers whom she supports and leads for our Sunday RE ministry to kids and youth. There is always room for you as a volunteer!

·        I appreciate Keith, Ina, the choir, and all the musicians who make our worship services both grounded and transcendent.  Krystal, Elaine and Michele serve our many volunteers and users of the facilities; our custodians hustle to make our spaces clean and ready for multiple users every week.  We all appreciate the support and work of the Administrative and Property Management Committee.  I enjoy working directly with Program Council, Fund Raising Team, and several other UUSS committees.  I admire them, as well as the groups for which Lucy is lead minister.

·        Currently I serve on the Board and Finance Committee of the YMCA of Superior California and the Advisory Council of the Sacramento Y. I’m on the Board of the UUA’s Pacific Central District.

·        I look forward to Theater One’s upcoming performances, the February 16 church auction, and the March Stewardship Campaign (pledge drive for the operating budget).  The energy is here!

Yours with gratitude,

Roger Jones

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