Sep 082022
 September 8, 2022

September Message from the Board of Trustees

Posted by Victoria Owens

Posted on September 8, 2022

Your elected Board of Trustees is scheduled to meet monthly. The Board did not meet in August, instead holding its annual retreat and an orientation for new Trustees. Our next meeting will be Thursday, September 22 at 7 pm. Our meeting takes place in person in the UUSS library and on Zoom. You are welcome to join us by accessing the same Zoom link as the one used for the Sunday morning services.

We think it is very important to keep the congregation updated about current and upcoming conversations. The Board’s role is to oversee issues of UUSS finances, facilities, personnel, and long-range planning; it makes decisions on policies rather than management decisions. You can find more information about the Board and read the minutes and treasurer’s report here:


The Board would like to give our appreciation to two departed staff members Michele Ebler, Bookkeeper and Jesus Hoyos, Custodian. We appreciate all they did for UUSS and wish them well on their new endeavors.

Our new custodian is Chuck Augustine. You may recognize him – he previously worked for the caterer that rented our kitchen. Debrah Olsen started in the Bookkeeper position on August 23rd. Debrah works part-time as Finance Manager for the UU Church of Davis, and we are happy to find someone with such excellent experience. She has big shoes to fill!

Please be sure to welcome these new members of our team when you see them!


The fall service auction will take place in November, and we are in need of a second co-chair to work on the auction. Please consider volunteering for this fun and vital role. Interested? Contact Reverend Roger.

Want to find out more about what is going on here at UUSS? The Program Council is putting on a Activities Fair on September 11th after the service. UUSS committees, programs and groups will be represented. Come and find out more!

Information from the July Board Meeting

The Board welcomed new board members Jed Shapiro and Sally Wilkins as Members-At-Large. Anara Guard, our previous Secretary, is now President and Frances Myers, previously a Member-At-Large, is Secretary. We thank everyone for their willingness to serve.

The end-of-year financial reports for fiscal year 2021-2022 were presented. UUSS ended the year with a net loss of only $2,318, which was 0.3% of our budget.

The final tally for the Stewardship Campaign was $567,273. A huge thank you to the congregation for its support and to the Stewardship Committee for their hard work.

The church has received a generous bequest from the estate of Richard Hayden. The Treasurer has completed the forms to claim the funds.

Coming Up: Invitations and Reminders

Board meeting: Thursday, September 22 at 7pm. Meeting is held in the Library and streamed in the main Zoom room.
To contact the Board: 

Most Sincerely,

UUSS Board of Trustees

Board Members

Anara Guard, President
Denis Edgren, Vice President
Victoria Owens, Treasurer
Frances Myers, Secretary

Members at Large
Hally Cahssai
Susan Davis-James
Marilyn Reynolds
Jed Shapiro
Sally Wilkins


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