UUSS Fundraising Policies–
Posted by Rev Roger
Posted on November 13, 2017
Fundraising policies adopted by Fund Raising Strategy Team (FRST), with the consent of the Board of Trustees, August 2017
1. When a group internal to the congregation identifies an unmet need that it has, the group
a. First look to any funds allocated to the group through the current UUSS operating
b. If the group does not have any allocated funds, the group should work with the Program
Council or the Board to identify other existing funding that may be used, and/or to
establish an allocation in a future operating budget.
c. The board may establish an ad hoc fundraising effort for unanticipated needs or
opportunities that can’t be covered under existing contingency funds nor wait until the
next budget cycle.
2. After having a fundraising request approved by FRST, internal groups fundraising for external
groups or causes will give all collected funds to the identified external group, after reimbursing
any expenses incurred by the fundraising effort. No cut is taken by UUSS.
3. FRST will work with the Board on larger unmet needs and strategic fundraising approaches.
4. Any fundraising or recruiting activities on Sundays should be after the service. No fundraising or
recruiting before the service.
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