Dec 302021
 December 30, 2021

Vaccination Proof–

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on December 30, 2021

vaccine-scrabbleNew policy for attending UUSS on Sundays:

At its meeting on December 16, 2021, the Board of Trustees made this addition to the Covid-19 Physical Gathering Policies.

Starting on January 2, 2022, to attend or participate in on-site Sunday services and other indoor programs and activities, it will be necessary to bring proof of being vaccinated against Covid-19 and a photo I.D. This requirement applies to  all who are eligible for vaccination, currently age 5 and older.  Face masks required also.

Please arrive early before the 10:30 a.m. service and provide your photo ID and your proof of:

Full vaccination:

  • 2 Covid-19 vaccinations plus a booster shot (or 1 Johnson & Johnson vaccination plus a booster shot) for adults & youth ages 12 to 18;
  • at least 2 vaccinations (or 1 Johnson & Johnson vaccination) for children ages 5 to 11.

Note from the ministry:  Thanks to our volunteers and staff members, we will continue to provide worship services in multiple platforms (in person, on Zoom, and streaming on Facebook, with a recording available on the website).  Our Soul Kids program (Kindergarten-grade 5) remains online for the time being, starting at 9:00 every Sunday morning

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  6 Responses to “Vaccination Proof–”

  1. Does this mean people attending Soul Matters groups or MahJongg should also show proof of being vaccinated?

    • Thanks, Lauren. Yes, the Soul Matters groups that meet in person were asked to provide proof of vaccination when the groups began in October. I believe the new policy applies to any UUSS activity groups that are having events in person and indoors.

  2. Question: Does this policy apply when individuals or groups rent or otherwise use our facilities for weddings, retirement parties, or other non-UUSS social or community events?

  3. Question: Does this policy apply when individuals or groups rent or otherwise use our facilities for things like weddings, retirement parties, or other social or community events?

    • Hi, Christine. As I understand and recall the discussion, this policy affects UUSS events and programs of UUSS groups which are held indoors on campus, which would include uses of our space for UU events like a youth retreat or conference. However, it does not relate to groups or individuals that rent our space for a non-UUSS purpose. We are not in a position to enforce that, whereas we do have volunteers at our church activities.

      We expect outside users of the facility to have protocols which abide by Sacramento County’s guidelines.

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