Dec 112023
 December 11, 2023

Your input welcome on bylaws review

Posted by Rev Lucy

Posted on December 11, 2023

The Board is embarking in an effort to amend the UUSS bylaws. The last time the bylaws were amended was in 2018. Take this opportunity
to read these documents that guide our congregation and submit your input to by February 28th . Please note that it’s the by-laws, not the Constitution, that are being amended at this time.

UUSS Bylaws for review and comment

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  3 Responses to “Your input welcome on bylaws review”

  1. I know now how to officially become a member. My feedback was specifically about the language in the By-laws. I don’t think the way that it is written makes it clear.

  2. I am new to UUSS. I started coming in October. The whole question about membership has been very opaque. The requirements for membership are not visible or explained. I give every Sunday – cash – in the basket. Does that meet the financial requirements for membership, or does it need to be a check that you can track and document. Perhaps this is in the Constitution? I come every Sunday, but I am not a member. I spoke with Rev Lucy because someone said that I needed to “sign the Book”. She thought that I should wait, but I don’t know what the sign is that I am ripe to become a member. The By-laws have basically 4 types of affiliation – Active members, Youth members, Honorary members, and Friends. So I am a friend? Until I sign the Book? The difference between all of the categories and the Friend category is what exactly? Committment? I feel very committed. This area needs clarity and communication to the congregation. What is the process to become an active member and what are the responsibilities that differentiate active members from friends? And why does it matter? Is it important to categorize the congregation in this way? Perhaps the By-Laws could be a starting place to clarify all of this.

    • Hi Christiana: I emailed you earlier today, offering to chat with you about your questions. You become a member by meeting with the minister(s) to discuss becoming membership and fully understand what it entails, make a financial commitment, and sign the book. You also may read the Constitution on the same page as where the By-laws are found (under Governance). I look forward to communicating more with you.

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