Community Partners


Community Partners

Nominations for Community Partners for 2023 are happening right now!

Click here for information about nominating a community partner.

Click here to submit your nominations.

2025 Community Partners:

JanuarySacramento ACT
FebruaryEffie Yeaw Nature Center
MarchWellspring Women’s Center
AprilNorCal Resist
MayNational Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
JuneOpening Doors
JulyMercy Pedalers
AugustLoaves and Fishes
SeptemberRiver City Food Bank
OctoberPlanned Parenthood
NovemberSacramento Native American Health Center
DecemberFamily Promise

In addition, the The Creation District will receive our special Christmas Eve offering.

How the Shared Offering Works at UUSS

Every Sunday morning, UUSS gives half of the offering to a local not-for-profit organization. The schedule of donations for the current calendar year is posted below.

You may make a donation at any time of the week for the Shared Offering, and 50% of your gift will support the Community Partner listed for the current month. In addition to donating at the time of the Sunday service offering, you may mail a check to UUSS (with “Shared Offering” in the memo line).

How Community Partners Are Selected

Beginning in 2023-24, UUSS Board of Directors, has identified six partners with whom we have a strong partnership who will be carried forward as a community partner for 2024 without an election. This status will be reviewed each year.

The established partners for 2024 include Loaves and Fishes, Family Promise, River City Food Bank, National Alliance for Mental Illness, Planned Parenthood and Mercy Pedalers. That leaves 6 opportunities for other community groups to become community partners.

In October voting Members consider a list of organizations which have been nominated to be our community partners for the next calendar year. In online voting (and paper voting if requested), the 6 organizations receiving the most votes are selected.

Nominations are solicited by the in late August and early October before the ballot is prepared. The nomination forms may be found here. On the ballot, voting Members can read a short description of each nominated organization and find a link to its website.

Thanks to everyone for making UUSS a generous congregation!

Community Partners Updates

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