Oct 082016
 October 8, 2016

A Message from Rev Lucy

Posted by Rev Lucy

Posted on October 8, 2016

economic-inequalityDear Friends –  I am pleased to be announcing the Fall activities for our social justice theme. Confronting economic inequality starts with learning and engaging.  And that is where we will start this fall.  We will engage with the complex history and realities of economic inequality through sermons, films and book discussions, classes, workshops and speakers.  We will learn how UU principles, sources, and values can inspire and ground us in seeking to bridge class divides and create a more just and equal world.  We will build on the wonderful outreach currently being done in our congregation and develop news ways to engage in the challenges in our communities with a focus on housing and homelessness.

For our fall outreach UUSS has committed to work with Habitat for Humanity in the Build for Unity program and will work with Muslim, Sikh, Christian, Jewish and other communities” to build two homes for immigrants to the Sacramento area.

We also hope to increase the congregation’s engagement with homeless issues. In October we will host homeless families through the Family Promise program.   Please consider volunteering to support this important program. Stay tuned for more information about opportunities to learn about homelessness and find ways for UUSS to make a difference.

One of the goals of our social justice theme is ultimately to concentrate our congregation’s economic and political power to make a difference in our community.  As UUs our faith calls us to face the challenges of our world.  Our faith requires us to understand how our behaviors may perpetuate the problems, and it inspires us to work to make a difference, together in community.   I hope you will join us.


Rev Lucy

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