Dec 242016
 December 24, 2016

Next Family Promise Week at UUSS – Feb 19-25

Posted by Frances Myers

Posted on December 24, 2016

UUSS will be hosting four families the week of Sunday, February 19 through Saturday, February 25.  There will be a sign-up table beginning January 15.

We need volunteers for the following:

  • Set-up – Sunday, February 19
  • Dinners – Whole week
  • Overnight Hosts – Whole week
  • Tear-down/Clean-up – Sunday, February 25

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  2 Responses to “Next Family Promise Week at UUSS – Feb 19-25”

  1. Family promise rocks!

    • It sounds like a wonderful cause! What is involved with providing dinners – what sorts of meals are needed, quantity, do volunteers bring set menu items or is it more like a potluck?

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