Jan 152017
 January 15, 2017

Thank you for sharing the January plate with Family Promise!

Posted by Frances Myers

Posted on January 15, 2017

Your support helps make difference in the lives of  Sacramento homeless families.

We will be hosting four families the week of February 19-25  

Click here to learn how to get involved

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  One Response to “Thank you for sharing the January plate with Family Promise!”

  1. For those readers who don’t know about the “plate” — this refers to our offering, and this is what we say every Sunday morning in January:
    In January, we give half of the offering to Family Promise, an organization with a vision to end family homelessness. The name Family Promise refers to the promise, in the sense of commitment, which communities make to families in need. But it also refers to the promise, the potential, inherent in every family. Thank you for your generosity.\
    $2,173 for the Effie Yeaw Nature Center/American River Natural History Association.
    OUR CHRISTMAS EVE OFFERING WENT 100% to the River City Food Bank,
    in the amount of $1,202.
    Thank you everyone for your generous gifts of time, talent and monetary support!

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