Feb 072016
 February 7, 2016

India trip Presentation at UUSS

Posted by Petra Stanton

Posted on February 7, 2016


The Freedom Club representatives who traveled to India shared their experiences during the service and invited everyone to get involved in the work to end human trafficking.  Meg Burnett shared about the partners that we worked with, Patty Budding gave the stories of people that we met, Linnea Stanton shared her experiences and about her desire to do more to help, and Petra Stanton gave examples of different ways to be involved in the movement.

Photos are included along with an exerpt from the Freedom Song.

The gentlemean in the turban wrote this song that they perform for other villages to educate about workers’ rights and the resistance to entrapment by slaveholders.  A wife laments the long absence of her husband after he borrowed a small amount of money from a Contractor and promised to work to repay the debt. The man was taken far away to work, but, after many years, did not return– until one day The Slave Rescuer organization brought him home. The family is grateful to the rescuers that he is safely back home at home and to have learned about their legal rights to freedom from bondage.




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  One Response to “India trip Presentation at UUSS”

  1. Thank you to UUSS and our India Travel Team for such an extraordinary opportunity. We have heard many questions and much interest in the issue after our “Introductory” presentation On Jan 31st at the Service. Please contact Petra or the Freedom Club to ask questions or make suggestions/requests for a future seminar with a more detailed presentation and opportunity for questions and group discussion, including ways we can all support freedom. Lots more relavant pics and videos are available to share also. Sorry, we don’t see the referenced link to the elusive “Freedom Song” video with the guy in the turban, that I have saved on a flash dirive. The two individuals pictured here before Linnea and the Kids’ Friendship Tree, show two personal stories that Patty shared last Sunday. The first is an attorney who is a from a formerly enslaved family, and the second is of a brave lady who is a teacher/ activist who reaches out to villagers and former slaves. Meg

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