Mar 132015
 March 13, 2015

Pancake Breakfast this Sunday (March 15th)

Posted by Dirk

Posted on March 13, 2015

Our UUSS Kids’ Freedom Club will be hosting a pancake breakfast at SAUCC on Sunday, March 15th. The kids will prepare breakfast first for worshippers of our host congregation to have when their coffee hour starts at 9:50 AM. Then they will serve UUSS members & visitors during our coffee hour at 11:30 AM. The breakfast is offered for freewill donations to be used to free persons held in debt bondage and other forms of slavery around the world. On average, every $100 raised will help liberate one person from servitude and help them avoid being enslaved again. For more information please contact us at .

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  One Response to “Pancake Breakfast this Sunday (March 15th)”

  1. Many thanks to both congregations who ate delicious pancakes at the Kids’ Freedom Club event. The kids did a terrific job and really were a great help. Thank you to all of you parents and grandparents for making it all work. It was amazing how everyone pulled together to feed over 150 people. All the encouraging words from members, the cheer from the Earth Justice group, the smiles of the kids and the excitement of raising $692.50 made it all worthwhile!

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