Nov 162015
 November 16, 2015

Patty’s Post

Posted by Petra Stanton

Posted on November 16, 2015

Today we spent time demonstrating various educational practices and procedures.  I explained various learning intelligences and how to incorporate them into everyday lessons.  Research has shown students placed in stressful situations may have difficulties learning in a traditional setting. Many of these students have been former slaves or children of former slaves. Their education may have been limited or completely ignored.  Students who may not be good readers may find it easier to learn through a different modality and experience success,  gain confidence and build self esteem.  We introduced classroom games, art techniques, music, cooperative learning, all in an effort to engage students, reduce stress, and make learning fun!


Training on skills for teaching children who have been freed from slavery

Training on skills for teaching children who have been freed from slavery

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  One Response to “Patty’s Post”

  1. So proud of all of you and what you’re doing. Patty, it must really be rewarding to dust off your educator techniques and share them with these people. Looking forward to hearing about the whole trip when you return. Safe travels!

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