Group Search Results


Group Search Results

Generation Y

Keyword match: meeting people
We are a group of and for individuals in our congregation of Gen Y age or near. We have regular gatherings, and work to ensure that our age group has a strong and active presence in all aspects of congregational life.

Walkin’ Boots

Keyword match: meeting people
We are a group of walkers and hikers. We hike interesting trails and pathways, meet others, get exercise and appreciate nature's bounty. Many of the walks are local and of relatively short distance (3-5 miles) but some hikes are longer and farther afield.

Gen X Boomers

Keyword match:  meeting people
We are a social group for people born between the mid-1940s and early-1980s (give or take). We gather to enjoy a wide range of fun outings and get-togethers.