Group Search Results


Group Search Results

St. John’s Program for Real Change

Keyword match: serving
Our volunteers provide and prepare a set dinner menu at St. John's Shelter once a month.

Mercy Pedalers

Keyword match: serving
UUSS Mercy Pedalers was founded by Mercy Nun, Sr. Libby Fernandez in September of 2017. We are bicyclers, tricyclers and the occasional car, reaching out to the men and women experiencing homelessness on the streets. It is our mission to bring hospitality, nutrition, and resources to them, connecting to each person by emphasizing the undeniable worth of each individual. The goal of our program is to be present to each other, share our thoughts and concerns, and offer a cup of coffee, a nutritious protein bar, soup or sandwich. It is our hope that we strengthen the human family with every life we touch. Please join us on this journey.

Loaves and Fishes

Keyword match: serving
We provide helping hands to prepare (7:30 a.m.) and serve food (10:30 a.m.) to homeless people on the fourth Monday of the month.

Coffee Hospitality

Keyword match: serving
We set up, serve, and clean up after coffee hour each Sunday.