Group Search Results


Group Search Results

Racial Justice/8th Principle Action Team (8PAT)

As members of a Unitarian Universalist congregation, we affirm and work to promote the worth and dignity of every person. Our racial justice activities include everything from speakers, open forums, and book discussion groups to support of local groups working to bring the transforming power of love to racism, a pathological system of thought and oppression which continues to devalue and marginalize people of color.

Men’s Group

We are a peer group that meets twice a month to promote bonding and share concerns, feelings and experiences in a confidential, supportive environment.

UUSS Caregivers Support

UUSS Caregiver Support is here to offer information and contacts for those caring for cognitively impaired loved ones. Jon Peterson and Marilyn Reynolds provided care for their late spouses, and though neither is an expert in the field of caregiving, they are available to share their insights.

Refugee Support Program

We raise awareness of the global and growing refugee crisis and of the needs of newly resettled refugee families in our Sacramento area. With open hearts, UUSS volunteers welcome and support refugee families, providing friendship and assistance toward empowerment and self-sufficiency. The team provides and promotes volunteer opportunities to UUSS members, families and friends. We solicit donations of money, goods and services of direct aid for refugee families and to fund our events and work at UUSS. The team coordinates our volunteer efforts with our community partner NorCal Resist.

Child/Youth Religious Education

Religious Education for children and youth offers a variety of ways adults can volunteer. In collaboration with staff and our Senior Minister, Rev. Dr. Roger Jones, volunteers provide leadership for education programs. Volunteer opportunities vary throughout the program on Sunday mornings. New energy and bright ideas in the form of volunteer support are always welcome in order for our program to continue flourishing.

Environmental Justice Committee

We seek to be a force for healing in the world by engaging with the Sacramento Inter-faith community to dismantle environmental racism, be a powerful voice for advocacy and responsible stewardship of our Earth and to support the building of healthy communities for all people.

UU Beginning Ukers (ukulele)

We provide support sessions for people starting a self-directed program of learning to play the ukulele. We gather to exchange resources, and encourage and support one another.

FundRaising STrategy committee (FRST)

We are a committee appointed by the Board in 2015 to oversee and promote coordination of the fundraising activities and programs that support and sustain the UUSS mission. Activities include scheduling and recruiting leadership for fundraising dinners, service auctions, special appeals, building donations, the annual stewardship campaign, and encouraging members and friends to remember UUSS in wills, estate plans and investment beneficiary designations. We develop a yearly and 5-year calendar and recruit and support volunteers for various activities and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees. Members with experience or inspiration in any of these areas are invited to contact us with your ideas and interest in participating.

Adult Enrichment

Keyword match: women's support
We provide courses and workshops on a wide variety of topics throughout the year. Come by the Adult Enrichment table after services to check out our latest offerings.

Membership Committee

Our committee serves the congregation by welcoming visitors, helping to integrate new members and supporting activities that make all members of the congregation feel welcome.