May 162019
 May 16, 2019

Hike Re-scheduled to May 25 Due to Rain

Posted by Deirdre Downes

Posted on May 16, 2019

pleasant groveNew date and time for May Walkin’ Boots Hike. Join UUs for an easy 3-4 mile hike on Saturday morning, May 25, on the Pleasant Grove Creek Trail in Roseville. Meet at 8:30 am sharp at UUSS to carpool or meet us in Roseville at the trailhead at about 9:15.

Contact  to RSVP and get directions to the trailhead.

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  3 Responses to “Hike Re-scheduled to May 25 Due to Rain”

  1. My husband and I are new and would like to learn more.

  2. Saw this but had to work this morning. Do you have other Saturday morning hikes scheduled?

    • Yes, we will be scheduling other Saturday morning hikes. The June 2019 hike is tentatively planned for June 22 on the Laguna Creek Parkway bike trail in Elk Grove. Contact to request to be on the email list to receive notices of future hikes.

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