Jul 242018
 July 24, 2018

End ICE and Police Use of Force Protest and Press Conference (JULY 26th)

Posted by Susan Lange

Posted on July 24, 2018

July 26 rally poster

End ICE & Police Brutalities! Protest & Press Conference

July 26, 2018  6;00 pm to 7:30 pm.     7th and N Street Sacramento

This is a late notification, but the Immigrant Justice group is participating in a press conference and solidarity action against both ICE and law enforcement Use of Force in Sacramento, and we ask you to join us.

Contact for more information or to let us know you will be there.

Look for the yellow signs.

Join us at a press conference and solidarity action against both ICE and law enforcement brutality in Sacramento, across our country, and at our militarized borders. The Decolonization Project will hold danza and prayer for those held behind bars in detention centers and prisons. We will lift our voices to call for an end to state violence. In our solemn acknowledgement of the gravity of this task, we will also come together to build community and find joy in our diversity.

In cities across the country, the people are rising up to say NO MORE to state violence against our immigrant communities and communities of color. It is time to dismantle the racist structures that allow black people to be killed with impunity by law enforcement. Whether by deportation, an officer’s bullet, or prison cages, black and brown families are too often being torn apart in this country, including here in Northern California.

It’s not enough to simply say, “Abolish ICE.” We must push for the abolition of all forms of police, prisons, restrictive borders, and systems of supremacy. It is time to define and begin building the world we want. This struggle is urgent, it cannot wait, and we call upon all individuals and organizations to rise with us!

Hosted by

  • Showing Up for Racial Justice-Rural SURJ of NorCal
  • Sacramento Justice League
  • NorCal Resist
  • Coalition Of Labor Union Women – CLUW California Capital Chapter
  • The Decolonization Project
  • Democratic Socialists of America, Sacramento
  • Sacramento Tenants Union
  • Party for Socialism and Liberation – Sacramento
  • Labor Council for Latin American Advancement – Sacramento AFL- CIO (LCLAA)
  • Brown Berets de SacrAztlán

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