Jun 222018
 June 22, 2018

“Families Belong Together” Call for Presence (6/30)

Posted by Susan Lange

Posted on June 22, 2018

A #FamiliesBelongTogether march is planned for Washington, DC on Saturday, June 30, 2018.  Sister marches are expected in dozens of cities across the country.  One of those sister marches will be in Sacramento.

Join us to rally in support of immigrants and asylum seekers and against the Zero Tolerance Policy that is separating families at the border. Rep. Jayapal announced the rally as a mass mobilization to end family separation and detention.

Things are moving quickly – but no matter what, these marches are still on. People need to be held accountable for the thousand of kids separated from their parents, still with no plan to reunify them. The news today about a pause in the Department of Homeland Security referring parents for prosecution until they can increase the family detention centers seems to be a real victory – but it is temporary.  There are children already separated and still in detention.

The demands of our march are to permanently end the separation of children and families – permanently reverse the zero-tolerance which created this crisis – reunite every single family that remains torn apart – and permanently end the indefinite detention of children and families.

Make your signs! Make your banners!  Bring your voice!

Saturday, June 30 at 10 a.m.

U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Building (650 Capitol Mall)

Sacramento, CA 95814

Stop by the Immigrant Justice table after the service on Sunday June 24 to talk with us.

Call when you are there, so that we may meet up.  There will be a crowd!

Susan Lange  or for more information.

keep families together

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  One Response to ““Families Belong Together” Call for Presence (6/30)”

  1. About 30 of us from Heritage Park (Rescue Brigade of Grandparents) will be adding our voices with you June 30th. Can you tell us if there will be speakers, and if so, who they will be? Thank you for all you are doing!

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