Jun 282018
 June 28, 2018

Families Belong Together Rally and Protest this Saturday (6/30)

Posted by Susan Lange

Posted on June 28, 2018

keep families together

Saturday, June 30 at 10 a.m. to 12 Noon

U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Building (650 Capitol Mall)

Sacramento, CA 95814

Here are updates on what to expect on Saturday June 30 at the “Families Belong Together” rally.

We in Sacramento will be one of at least 450 actions planned for around the country.  Local organization and planning is being democratically handled by Sacramento ACT, Council on American Islamic Relations, CA Dreamers, California Immigrant Youth Justice Alliance and many others.

There are at least 2000 Attending with another 7000 Interested.  Our presence at this time is important.

There will be a stage in front of the ICE building and there will be speakers from the faith community, from directly impacted people, and from activist groups. There will be music and the Danzantes dance group will be performing before the event speakers.

The national organizers have asked that people wear white.  Not required of course.

Immigrant Justice will have a pop-up sun shade with the yellow “Standing on the Side of Love with Immigrant Families” signs.  Look for us there.

The predicted high for Saturday is 104.  Bring hats, sunscreen, and water. Water has been donated as well so no worries if you forget your water bottle. The event will end by 12 noon to keep people from the heat.

There will be security, so look for people with neon vests or with Brown Berets if something arises.  We are being asked not to talk to the media which may be from Alt right groups who could misconstrue what is said.

For carpool information, please check the UUSS Between Sundays facebook group to communicate with others or get in touch at .  I will try to connect people.

There will be a banner fence where the UUSS banner will be proudly displayed.

Thank you to all who are able to attend and represent UU values at this important time of injustice for our immigrant brothers and sisters.

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