Apr 072017
 April 7, 2017

April 22 @ 6:30 P.M. Matthew Fox “Earth Day Every Day: A Conversation of Art and Spirituality”

Posted by Christine Bailey

Posted on April 7, 2017

Trinity Espiscopal TREE logo
Music, program, and reception. Matthew Fox and Ullrich Javier Lemus present “Earth Day Every Day: A Conversation of Art and Spirituality. Tickets: $15.  Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, 2620 Capitol Avenue, Sacramento.  www.trinitycathedral.org

For more about Matthew Fox and the Creation Spirituality Legacy Project go to www.matthewfox.org


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  5 Responses to “April 22 @ 6:30 P.M. Matthew Fox “Earth Day Every Day: A Conversation of Art and Spirituality””

  1. Hello Evelyn,
    We will have our first regular meeting in May and will be scheduling that in the next couple of days and posting it on the UUSS website.
    In addition, we are in the process of setting up an email “list serve” which will send regular emails with information about our activities to people who are interested. Would you like to be added to that?
    Thank you for your interest in this work.

  2. Does the UUSS Earth Justice group have a regular meeting time? How would I connect with it?

    • Hi Evelyn,
      We are having our first meeting of the Interfaith Earth Justice group on Sunday, May 28, at 12:30. Prior to that we are gathering to watch the movie AWAKE – A Dream from Standing Rock at 6:00 on May 10.
      And, we are setting up a email list for people who want to connect with us and learn about our activities.
      Looking forward to meeting you in person!

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