Jan 152019
 January 15, 2019

Environmental Justice Canvassing and Listening Sessions in West Arden Arcade

Posted by Christine Bailey

Posted on January 15, 2019

photo 2 - 12 January 2019 Planning Meeting on County EJ Plan

At our Saturday January 12 Sacramento ACT Environmental Justice Committee meeting we reviewed our draft letter to the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors (BOS) documenting that fact that there has not been adequate community engagement in the development of their Environmental Justice General Plan element that is coming before the BOS soon.

We created a plan to canvass and conduct listening sessions in West Arden Arcade (WAA) so that the concerns of this community will be presented to the BOS.  Stayed tuned for opportunities to canvass with us or support the listening sessions.

UUSS Member and retired physician Ruth McDonald gave an excellent presentation on the actual health problems people in West Arden Arcade are experiencing due to environmental injustices there.

There is a large immigrant community in West Arden Arcade and 25% of WAA is “Hispanic or Latino.”  We do not yet have relationships with WAA people in these communities.  If you know of someone(s) in these communities who would like to talk with us about having their community’s issues raised in this process, please contact us at interfaithearth@uuss.org

We are working with New Creation Church Arden and Arden Arcade Black Child Legacy in this process.

If you are interested in this work, you are welcome to join us at our next monthly Sac ACT EJ Committee meeting.  It is in the UUSS Welcome Hall on Wednesday 6 February 2019 from 7:00 – 8:30.  Newcomer orientation at 6:30.

FYI. Below is a map of the boundaries of the Sacramento County-designated West Arden Arcade Environmental Justice area.

West Arden-Arcade EJ Map.jpg

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