Oct 292019
 October 29, 2019

Justice in the Room @ County Planning Commission Meeting

Posted by Christine Bailey

Posted on October 29, 2019

Planning Commission meeting October 2019

UUSS Members from our Sacramento ACT Environmental Justice Committee showed up for justice at the October 28 County Planning Commission meeting.

After the Planning Commission unanimously adopted the Phase 2 draft County Environmental Justice Plan, the Commission chair held in the air the EJ plan and stated “This is our new ethos.”

Next step December County Board of Supervisors’ meeting.

Our work now is to see that these good justice policies are implemented in a way that addresses historical and systematic racism and improves community engagement, the built environment and health for residents of environmental justice communities.  This is a challenge in these times of scarce County resources.

For a copy of our comments to the Planning Commission or to learn more about this work contact interfaithearth@uuss.org or come to our next Environmental Justice Committee meeting in our UUSS Library on November 6 from 7-8:30 p.m.

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