Sep 192018
 September 19, 2018

October 20 Canvassing in West Arden Arcade

Posted by Christine Bailey

Posted on September 19, 2018

West Arden-Arcade EJ Map.jpg Sacramento ACT logouuss image

Join us to have first hand experience with the diverse people in our area of West Arden Arcade and to help raise their voices by hearing their concerns and getting out the vote.

Saturday, October 20 @ UUSS @ 9:00 a.m.  We will canvass at in West Arden Arcade with two purposes:

  • Get out the vote and voter registration
  • Listen to people’s concerns about their community, especially related to environmental health

We will meet at UUSS at 9:00 a.m. for coffee, snacks and training.  We will learn some of the specific environmental hazards facing this Sacramento County designated Environmental Justice Community.  Gabby Trejo, Executive Director of Sacramento ACT, will train us on how to canvass including including some role playing, and answer any questions.

In addition, we are talking with Black  Child Legacy and faith leaders in West Arden Arcade to join with others to address environmental racism and hazards in this area.

If you would like to know more, feel free to contact Hally Cahssai, Eric Ross, Ruth McDonald, Julie Snider or Christine Bailey.  Or come to our October 10 planning meeting @ UUSS @ 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.  Or contact


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